April Meet the Maker Featuring Author Angela Berent

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This month we are excited to introduce you to an author! Maybe not someone that you would typically think of as a maker, but writing is definitely a creative process just like anything we’d do with our hands. What’s even better is that her books have an interactive element to them, which allows the reader to participate and become a “maker” themselves along the way. So let’s meet author, Angela Berent! Born and raised in St. Charles, Michigan Angela attended Saginaw Valley State University and ended up with a business degree. Eventually she and her husband made their way out to Ventura, California (Craftcation anyone!?) where she went back to school to be a teacher and has been doing so ever since. She now lives and teaches in Chelsea, Michigan.

Throughout the school year Angela will outline her ideas for a book and then uses her summers off to really delve into her work. She even says that “outlining brings me the greatest joy of all the writing process. Gathering ideas and sorting them into a semblance of a plan is so rewarding.” This is the part where we typically ask our makers how they came up with the name for their business, but Angela’s situation is unique. In 2017 she wrote her first book, “List Your Life: A Modern-Day Memoir” and came up with the title by brainstorming with her cousins at a quiet cabin in the Upper Peninsula.

Writing and publishing books is a hobby for Angela and while she’s not busy teaching or writing she loves spending time with her husband and twin boys around Michigan and beyond. She says they are going to Alaska soon! Angela also has a second book out, “Trace Your Travels: An Adventure Journal.” You can learn more about the books and order yours by clicking the button below!